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The Wager

The Wager is one of the best books I’ve read in many years. And best of all, it’s a true story. It’s written by David Grann, the same gentleman who wrote Killer of the Flower Moon which I am hoping to get to read as soon as

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Outside Your Comfort Zone

Most growth happens right outside your comfort zone. Not in your comfort zone. But also not way outside your comfort zone. Growth happens right outside your comfort zone. On the outer edges of what you think you can accomplish. Just beyond what you think you can lift. A mile further

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Neighbors >

When I bought my house, it was one of a few I considered buying. The others were of similar size, all situated in what might be the "nicest" neighborhood in Missoula. They were all pretty comparable in price. The house I bought was the most centrally located. It

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The Campfire Code

Last week, I had a fantastic experience: a long weekend with some of my best friends at our cabin up in the mountains.  We fished. We chopped wood. We cooked meat (and fish) over a fire. Some beverages were had. And we had some incredible conversations about fish and life.

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There are only a few problems in life you can't solve through accountability. But most things can be solved by building a system where someone holds you accountable. When I decided I wanted my physique closer to six-pack abs than a permanent dad bod, I started paying someone

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Spending Power

One of my former clients was a famous entrepreneur who built a multi-billion dollar company and was friends with Steve Jobs. We got to be good buddies, and he'd regularly fly out his plane to have dinner with me in Portland. Whenever I was in San Francisco, he

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Electric Bikes

Gas, registration fees, insurance, maintenance... Oh, and then there’s the cost of actually buying a car. Cars are expensive to buy, operate, store, and maintain. If you’re buying a new car, the average cost to buy, drive and maintain is $894 per month or $10,728 per year.

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Unfathomably Wealthy

If you want to feel unfathomably wealthy, you must have felt poor.

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We are getting solar panels installed at our house. Given the recent electricity price increases, I am confident it's a good investment. But to me, solar is the ultimate sign of loving your kids and country. I want my daughter to live in a place with clean air

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Once you live in a lovely big house, it's hard to live in a small one again. Once you drive a luxury car, it's hard to drive a normal one again. Once you fly first class, "comfort plus" loses its luster. None of these