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Focus on those leaning in

Mario Schulzke
Mario Schulzke
1 min read

I have done marketing for twenty years now. Without exception, I can tell you that the best people to market to are the ones already "leaning in" looking for a solution to their problem. Yet somehow, too many marketers and brands decide to go after everyone and their mother-in-law regarding targeting. Unfortunately, by going after everyone, they fail to reach the people who might need their product, service, or organization.

Marketing is really hard when someone doesn't need what you have to sell. So rather than trying to distract and convince the ones "leaning back," do whatever it takes to find the ones "leaning in." Do that and marketing becomes much easier and rewarding.

Here's how.

  1. Identify your minimum viable market. Smaller is better. Who are the people for who you're going to make the biggest impact? It needs to be so targeted that when they find you, they're going to want to tell other people like them.
  2. Nail your value proposition. Make it laser-clear what and why you do it and for who? What problem do you solve for them? Call out your people. And yes, you'll also signal who this is not for.
    Yoga for moms > Yoga for everyone.
  3. Be where they look for help. What are the search terms they use when looking for solutions for the problem you solve? Buy those terms. What are their digital watercolors where they ask their peers for help? Help there.

You'll find your people. Solve their problem. And if you do,  they'll tell more people because they're happy to have finally found you.

Rinse and repeat.


Mario Schulzke Twitter

My name is Mario and I grow ideas, companies and hot peppers.

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