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Beyond life’s necessities like shelter, food, and healthcare, we often use our money (or credit) to buy stuff. Clothes, gadgets, tools, toys, and whatever aligns with whoever we aspire to be and be seen as. The more money you have, the more stuff you can buy. Even though it

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Hard Builds

Easy is usually fun. Easy workout. Easy tasks. Easy days. Easy money. Easy love. But easy expires fast, like a piece of Manchego left out in the Spanish sun. Hard is much less enjoyable. * Hard workouts can make you suffer. * Hard work can be unforgiving. * And hard periods in a

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I'm excited about the advent and recent progress on the AI front. Unfortunately, I am not smart enough to fully understand and recognize any potential catastrophic downsides of AI. What excites me is simply the fact that there will be more and more tasks that I don'

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Forever Starter Home

What happens if, throughout our lives, we don't buy a nicer, bigger house? What happens if we stay in the same house for as long as possible?

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Bringing Us Along

Before I became a dad, I asked my friend Ryan about one piece of advice he'd give me as a new dad. He told me that when Selma is born, Carlyn and I should continue to do the things we do in our lives. Just bring Selma along.

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The House Money Fund

I don't gamble - not in casinos, nor with my investments. I am a Vanguard ETF guy to fund everything from my retirement to my daughter's education. I am only willing to make aggressive bets when I genuinely feel it's money I can afford

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Hard Now > Hard Later

Assuming you're not a trust fund baby gifted with incredible genes, things are going to get hard at some point in life. You might struggle to pay the bills. Or you're dealing with some health issues brought on by a series of compounding unhealthy life choices.

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4 Strategies To Make Fewer But Better Decisions

Making decisions can be exhausting. And if you burn out from making decisions, you run the risk of procrastinating or making bad decisions. Or even worse, you spend too much time making fairly inconsequential decisions and then delay the important decisions you need to make. I've been there

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When Starting Your Career, Optimize For a Variety of Experiences. Here’s Why and How.

For the first ten years of my career, I spent my days working on dozens of large brands in ad agencies and my nights trying to launch side project businesses. My agency work exposed me to bigger-picture business strategy thinking across various industries and some of the most brilliant and

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The Three Skills You Need to Supercharge Your Career Growth

Early in your career, your focus should be on honing your craft. Do the work. Learn about the work. Put in the extra hours. Start a side project that gives you even more at-bats. Your goal needs to put yourself on a track to be great at what you do.