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Negative Stuff

Stuff. You need much less than you think.

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One year in college, my girlfriend invited me home for Thanksgiving dinner. It was lovely, so I wrote a thoughtful thank-you note to her parents, thanking them for their hostility.  The correct word would have been hospitality.  Coming to America, my English was terrible. A.k.a., this is one

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Pillow (Self) Talk

Every day, we make choices, big and small. Mostly, they are small- like 99% small. Those small choices add up. They compound and, over time, determine what kind of life we will live.  * Will you be healthy?  * Will you be happy?  * Will you be successful? * Will you have to worry

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I don't do New Year's resolutions anymore. Why? Well, I am super happy with the life I have. I love my family, everyone is healthy, I work out most days, my job is fun, teaching is incredibly gratifying, and I have some bucket list adventures planned

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Someone with more

There is always someone who has more. More money. A bigger house. A bigger car. Nicer furniture. A bigger yard. A bigger startup exit. More bitcoin. And when you compare yourself to others you perceive to have more, you'll never be content. No matter what, there will always

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Abundance can be a beautiful thing.  * You have enough food.  * You have a place to live.  * You have the resources to pay your bills and save some of your income for the future.  * You may even have the time and money to take your family on vacation every year. As

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Be Cool

I grew up in West Germany, which America occupied for a bit. That was essentially a positive thing. So many parts of American culture were worth aspiring to. The word cool was one of them. I never thought of it as being a certain way, having a certain car, playing

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Nobody will ever look at me and say "Wow, that Mario fella. He's the happiest dude I know." I can be quite stoic, often deep in thought. I can be overly focused on some random task I deem to be important. And yes, sometimes researching REIT

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For a man in his forties, I am in great shape. Not because I've been nailing my nutrition and workouts for the last three months but because I've been working out and living (mostly) healthy for decades. I love marketing and have gotten to be successful

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Room for error

Often in life, we need to leave more room for error. We wake up at the very last minute. We cut it too close, trying to get somewhere. We buy things we can't afford, putting our budgets into a precarious situation and leading to financial stress. We wait