When Starting Your Career, Optimize For a Variety of Experiences. Here’s Why and How.
For the first ten years of my career, I spent my days working on dozens of large brands in ad agencies and my nights trying to launch side project businesses. My agency work exposed me to bigger-picture business strategy thinking across various industries and some of the most brilliant and
The Three Skills You Need to Supercharge Your Career Growth
Early in your career, your focus should be on honing your craft. Do the work. Learn about the work. Put in the extra hours. Start a side project that gives you even more at-bats. Your goal needs to put yourself on a track to be great at what you do.
How to win at life by taking a portfolio approach to everything you do.
I studied finance in college and even worked for American Express Financial Services. I loved some of the principles that drove half of our decision-making. I hated the greed that drove the other half. So ultimately, I ended up in marketing. One of the principles that stuck with me was
Focus on those leaning in
I have done marketing for twenty years now. Without exception, I can tell you that the best people to market to are the ones already "leaning in" looking for a solution to their problem. Yet somehow, too many marketers and brands decide to go after everyone and their
When You Graduate, Move To the City
I went to school in Montana. I loved it. Upon graduation, I even had a good job in my industry, right here in Montana. Still, I moved to Seattle to become an unpaid intern at an ad agency. That decision ultimately led to a pretty incredible career so far, which
How To Create Win-Win Situations
Business can be complicated. Ditto for marketing. Relationships, same. Whenever others are involved, you're going to encounter challenges and compromises. Welcome to being human. There are two ways to approach those situations. You can look to come out ahead (mostly a zero-sum game), or you can try to
The Undeniable Upside of Handkerchiefs
I am European. That means a few things. I wear my wedding ring on my right hand, even though my wife is still alive. I judge people harshly when not ordering mayo with their French fries. I once picked my mother-in-law for dinner on a Vespa. When someone asks me,
4 Reasons Why You Should Always Be An Entrepreneur
I've done marketing for some of the biggest companies in the US. I've run campaigns spending tens of millions of dollars in advertising. I've managed large teams and P&Ls. But you know what. I have learned the most being an entrepreneur, mainly
The Way We Teach Marketing is All Wrong
Learn then test. Or maybe even learn then do. Read, listen, watch and then show up and nail your quizzes, midterms, finals, or worst yet, group presentations. I have been doing marketing at a high level for the last twenty years. Yet every time I make decisions based mainly on
How To Structure Your Marketing For Success
In this essay, I will show you a dead-simple method to structure and organize your marketing. Most marketing fails. A lot of it has to do with our inability to plan the work and set realistic expectations for the strategies you'll try. Here are the three ways to