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Loser's Game

Mario Schulzke
Mario Schulzke
1 min read

I love to play ping pong. It's social. It's fun. It's fast. I'm a top 100 player here in Missoula, Montana.

When I tell people ping pong is a loser's game for me, they usually react like: 'Come on, Mario, you're one of the coolest dudes I've ever met. You're a Costco Executive*.

Yeah, yeah, yeah... That's not what I meant.

I win in ping pong by not losing. The strategy is not for me to be exceptional at playing the game. The strategy is to be in the game long enough until the other player makes a mistake. And then rinse and repeat.

It's the same when hiking in the woods with a buddy and then being attacked by an angry Mama Moose. You don't have to outrun the mama moose, just your buddy. Outrunning Mama Moose is a loser's game—pick slow friends.

This 'loser's game' strategy isn't just for ping pong. Take investing, for example. I am not smart enough to think that I can beat the market. My strategy is to stay in the market, ride the bull periods (stocks going up), and buy more during bear markets (stocks going down). Successful investing, at least to me, is a loser's game.

In a loser's game, you win by not making mistakes. In a winner's game, you win through skill.

Know the difference. And don't go hiking with friends faster than you—that's definitely a loser's game.


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My name is Mario and I grow ideas, companies and hot peppers.