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Ever set yourself a big goal? Run a marathon. Write a book. Start a business. Lose weight. Meditate daily. The list is endless. And so is the list of failures. But here's the thing - most goals don't die from poor planning. Or lack of ambition.

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I am not going to publish one of my normal posts this week. Instead, I'll use this space to encourage all of you to go out and vote. Every election is important, but this one has some real urgency to it. Please vote.

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Make before you manage

It's all too easy to go through your day, running from meeting to meeting, call to call, request to request, small task to small task, only to reach the end and realize you haven't accomplished anything meaningful. Next day, same story. Day after, rinse and repeat.

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where they know your name

Back in the day, I had a billionaire client who always invited me out to dinner when I was in San Francisco. We went to the same restaurant every time, which seemed weird because he could afford to go to any restaurant in the world multiple times per day. One

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Make Good Art

Neil Gaiman is someone I admire greatly. Sure he's a prolific science fiction author. But I mostly just love his views on creative work and art. This video applies to every artist. Every business graduate. And every human being.

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Counting may be the most powerful tool for achieving our goals. It's simple. It's effective. It just works. * Want to save more money? Set a goal and count your savings. * Want to invest more? Set a goal and count your investments. * Want to lose weight? Set

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Parenting. It can feel tough - especially at first. There are many moments that you're going to want to pass. Teething, tantrums, blowouts, daycare bugs, blowouts, sleepless nights, food thrown around the house, as well as the occasional cat. But then, one day, you will recognize how special

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There aren't enough quiet times in our lives anymore. Boring moments. Times when you're entirely aware of the moment you're in. Everything is fast. Everything is connected. Dings here. Notifications there. Endless scrolling. Hopping from one mediocre dopamine hit to the next. I am

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Everything in life degrades. Some things you can stop from degrading, some things you can slow down, and others go straight to nothing. It's why I have a hard time buying fresh flowers. I struggle with their pace of degradation versus the period of value delivered. Is that

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When I first started my career in Advertising, I was under the impression that I needed to attend networking events to progress. So, I attended all kinds of networking events. * Networking events for people who lived in Santa Monica * Networking events for people who worked in Advertising * Networking events for