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Mario Schulzke

My name is Mario and I grow ideas, companies and hot peppers.

Members Public

Willpower is overrated

To me, success has always been linked to willpower. * I was never the strongest swimmer, yet I’d usually win when other kids started to feel tired. * I was never the fastest runner, yet over the course of a soccer game, I’d outrun my opponents. * I was never the

Willpower is overrated
Members Public

Lower Your Own Bar

Not too overgeneralize, but I think that oftentimes in American culture our goal is to always have more. More income, a bigger house, a nicer car and just all around better stuff. As someone who immigrated to the US and started their career by cleaning bathrooms, I can understand the

Lower Your Own Bar
Members Public

Ignore The Default Settings

In life, there are default settings everywhere you look. When you buy a new phone, notifications are automatically turned on. When you sign up for a social media network, they’ll automatically send you daily updates concerning your existing connections and who else you should maybe invite into your network.

Ignore The Default Settings