where they know your name

Back in the day, I had a billionaire client who always invited me out to dinner when I was in San Francisco. We went to the same restaurant every time, which seemed weird because he could afford to go to any restaurant in the world multiple times per day.

One day, I asked him why.

He loved that they knew his name.

And because this was the only restaurant he went to, they treated him exceptionally well. He could always get a table, and they knew what he loved and didn't.

I liked that. It reminded me of my childhood in Germany, where growing up in a village, I'd always go to the same baker, the same butcher, and the same newspaper store. The butcher is gone, but I still go to the same bakery and newspaper store. Now I am not the little boy anymore, but I go there with my little girl.

Ever since I've optimized for going to places often enough, so hopefully, they'll eventually know my name.

  • I tend to go to the same coffee shop.
  • The same hardware store.
  • Same bike shop.
  • The same sandwich shop. Always the same sandwich shop.
  • The same breakfast place (RIP Ekstroms).
  • The same bar.

Sadly, I think having a personal connection to local shops and shopkeepers is something becoming increasingly rare.

You should fight that.

If you love a particular place, go back over and over. Go back until they know your name, and you know theirs.

It's good for you. It's good for them. And it's good for our communities.