Room for error

Often in life, we need to leave more room for error.

We wake up at the very last minute.

We cut it too close, trying to get somewhere.

We buy things we can't afford, putting our budgets into a precarious situation and leading to financial stress.

We wait to do an essential task until right before it's due.

We invest too aggressively, not allowing us to sustain longer down markets.

Alternatively, it's incredible what happens when we optimize to allow plenty of room for error. Stress goes down. Antifragility goes up.

You might not drive the nicest car. You might not be getting those extra 20 minutes of sleep. Parts of your portfolio might earn a 5% return rather than 8%.

But you're leaving some room for error. You're lowering your stress. You're sleeping better.

It's easy to get caught up in trying to maximize everything all the time. I do it.

Next time, when you're about to cut it too close, stop. Try to give yourself some room for error. I promise it won't be the last time.