How To Structure Your Marketing For Success

In this essay, I will show you a dead-simple method to structure and organize your marketing. Most marketing fails. A lot of it has to do with our inability to plan the work and set realistic expectations for the strategies you'll try.

Here are the three ways to organize your marketing. And yes, it's kind of like golf.

The Long Game

You do these activities all the time. They're your foundation, the fundamentals. They're why you're in business. You get the long game right, and you'll be successful. Many companies or organizations just do this, and they do great. The Long Game includes positioning, talking to and learning from customers, building distribution, raising prices, and making your product better. Do these all the time.

The Mid Game

Mid Game activities will take the bulk of your marketing investment of time, yet they likely won't show considerable returns for at least six months. But once they start working, they're the gifts that keep on giving. It's like the muscle you painstakingly put on in the gym that burns calories even when you're sitting on the couch. The Mid Game takes work but then is hard to copy. It's a moat. Marketing activities include building an audience, content marketing, SEO, podcasting, and creating video content.

The Short Game

This is the one set of marketing strategies that can immediately make an impact. When you need immediate traction, play the Short Game. It includes advertising and direct outreach. Done right, the short game can be a great investment. Done wrong, it just costs you money. The Short Game can be easy to copy, so don't over-rely on it.

You still have to do the work, but this structure sets you up for success.