4 Reasons Why You Should Always Be An Entrepreneur

I've done marketing for some of the biggest companies in the US. I've run campaigns spending tens of millions of dollars in advertising. I've managed large teams and P&Ls.

But you know what. I have learned the most being an entrepreneur, mainly building small companies, websites, books, and projects on the side - never full-time.

Here is why I think everyone should be an entrepreneur all the time, even if it's just for a few hours per week.

1. You'll learn about areas outside of your area of expertise. Whether it's accounting, forecasting, coding, biz dev - you'll grow to be a more well-rounded professional.

2. Being an entrepreneur is going to 10x your learning. Feedback cycles, good or bad, are shorter when you're running a solo or small venture.

3. It's the quickest way to build your brand. When you work for a company, there are many things you can't share. When you're building your brand, you control the narrative and rightfully get the credit for your wins and failures. Both build your brand.

4. You're creating upside with little downside. While I've never had a business that just blew up, over the years, I have been able to generate hundreds of thousands of dollars next to my day job. I love what I do in my day job, but if I just wanted to be a full-time entrepreneur, I could at this point - with practically no risk.

Last but not least, get started now. The earlier you learn and earn, the sooner you'll be able to reap the rewards.